VCE ready Program

VCE Ready Program


– 4 week program run in school
– Can be extended to a longer program if required
– Prices vary dependent on class size and duration of program

In Studio

– Tuesday 5pm – 6pm
– Ihana Studio: 562 Hampton Street, Hampton
– $100 for 4 class pass
– 4 classes can be attended on any Tuesday throughout the term that the pass is purchased.

We have identified the Yoga benefits that are particularly beneficial to students dealing with the challenges that VCE can present, so we have devised a program that assists the VCE student. Along with the Physical benefits that Yoga provides (increased strength, balance, flexibility) the VCE Ready Yoga Program teaches the student valuable coping tools, including:

– Detachment from external distractions to improve focus
– Conscious breathing practices to de-stress and refocus
– Self regulation
– Increased energy
– Better sleep patterns
– Improved mental and emotional strength