What do I bring to the yoga session?

Everything is provided for you in the session.  We often use a number of props that aid your experience.  You are welcome to bring your own mat if you prefer.

Can I eat before I come to a yoga session?

Yogabean recommends not eating for at least 1 hour before coming to a yoga session (a bit longer if you have eaten a heavy meal). The reason behind this primarily has to do with the digestion system in that the stomach and bowel should be empty for optimal results. The poses often enhance or stimulate digestion so it’s best to hold off at least the hour before, preferably longer. Drink water before each session, as water is preferably not consumed during the session itself.

What do I wear to a yoga session?

Wear comfortable clothing but not too tight that it would restrict breathing, digestion or circulation. Generally the clothing that you’d wear in a gym is suitable.

What do you actually do in the yoga session?

Each session is unique, however there is a general sequence and overall focus that is followed. The session consists of initial sitting or lying down poses that aim to bring a sense of calm and internal focus and awareness. Quieting the mind is an important element. Opening of the hips and awareness of the breath is focused upon. Breathing exercises are often done (5-10 min).  Next, we do a few poses that focus on alignment and flexibility of the spine (10-15 min). This is followed by standing poses, inversions, twists and forward bends (30-45). At the end of each session, we lie down on our back in what is called corpse pose (or Savasana) (or in a modified posture for lower back pain) and completely relax (5-10min). This completion pose aims to bring the positive energy that we have created during the session into our deeper selves so that we can lead a more fulfilling and enriched daily existence.

What if I am not flexible?

Yoga is beneficial to almost everyone. It is a misconception that inflexibility prevents people from coming to a yoga session. Yoga is foremost developing an awareness of self and stretching your body and spine to a point that is right for you. By being in a group environment with a qualified instructor, you will learn the correct alignment and get the most benefit.

Will yoga assist with weight loss?

You will be surprised over time at the change in body systems. Digestion, endocrine, lymphatic and elimination systems will begin to come into balance.  Awareness of self is enhanced. Overtime, your appetite will normalise, and your unhealthy cravings will decrease. Your weight will shift accordingly.

Will I tone my body?

The yoga practice can be quite dynamic in that it builds strength internally and externally. Muscular strength is enhanced through a number of the standing and inversion poses and flexibility is gained through the standing poses, inversions, twists and forward bends.

How often do I need to practise yoga?

Initially one day a week in a group environment with a qualified instructor. Once you feel you have learned a couple of poses from memory, you can do this at home. Preferably practicing 3 times a week is beneficial for most impact but everyone can do a couple of poses a day and still fit this into their schedule. Starting or finishing your day with 5-15 minutes will do wonders!

What if I have a condition or injury that I’m concerned about?

Please discuss any condition or injury that you have so that the instructor is aware. The poses can be modified accordingly.  Everyone has the capacity to develop self-awareness that often is your best guide. If you feel acute or sharp pain that is persistent, you should always cease the pose.

What benefit do I get from concentrating on my breathing?

Breathing is fundamentally the most important aspect of human existence. Without it, we cannot live! When we are born, we begin to breathe out of our noses (nasal breathing) but as we grow up we tend to breathe out of our mouths. This is not necessarily a problem but a more shallow breath is the result. When we breathe through our noses into our bellies, we gain a deeper breath which provides more oxygen internally and gives off carbon dioxide externally. Through our yoga poses, we get the technique and alignment correct and always come back to the breath.  You should never hold the breath during yoga poses. In meditation (or pranayama), we take even more notice of our breath.  There are tonnes of benefits but two key benefits are nourishment for our internal organs since oxygenated blood is enhanced and a calming effect.  Internal awareness is also gained through concentration on the breath.